Sunday 23 August 2015

A man Arrested For Stuffing $31 Million In Pillows

(NEWSER) – Police in India last Friday found $31 million in cash hidden all over the six-room home of a municipal engineer, the BBC reports. Cash was stuffed in sofas, pillows, and mattresses; stored under floor tiles and in a false ceiling; and even filled the toilet in an unused bathroom. According to the Times of India, the raid also turned up gold and diamonds.
The BBC reports Pronab Adhikary is accused of taking bribes from real estate developers in exchange for approving building plans, a fairly common practice in India. Police arrested both Adhikary and his engineering-student son, who allegedly attacked an official during the raid and may have helped his father with the bribes. according to theTimes. The BBC reports Adhikary's monthly salary was only $690; neighbors say he never gave any sign he had a fortune stashed away and didn't buy fine foods from the local grocer.

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