Thursday, 20 August 2015

Hell hath no fury: Woman throws an epic 90-minute tantrum in the street in China after her boyfriend dumps her by TEXT

  • Woman threw herself onto ground in Hong Kong's Tsim Sha Tsui district
  • She then proceeded to scream, shout and contort her body for 90 minutes 
  • Bemused onlookers were eventually forced to call the emergency services 

  • Dumping your girlfriend by text is possibly not the most adult way to end a relationship - but what this woman did next was certainly not a grown-up way to deal with it.
    The woman, realising she had been dumped, threw herself down on the floor of a busy Hong Kong street and threw a tantrum which a toddler would have been proud of.
    The epic meltdown - which included headstands, and a number of other poses more usually seen in a yoga studio - went on for an eye-watering 90 minutes.
    Embarrassing: The woman is said to have thrown herself on the floor after being dumped by text
    Embarrassing: The woman is said to have thrown herself on the floor after being dumped by text

    Confused: The people who pass her having a tantrum on the floor seem bemused by what is happening
    Confused: The people who pass her having a tantrum on the floor seem bemused by what is happening

    Strange: The woman, said to be 24, appears to be wearing sports clothes, and has her hair dyed bright red 

    Video of the tantrum shows people try to intervene at points - only to be batted away by the inconsolable woman. 
    Eventually, it seems they realised the only way to get her off the streets of the Tsim Sha Tsui district was to call for professional help.
    Paramedics who arrived on the scene after the hour-and-a-half display were forced to restrain the woman, said to be 24, according to The Mirror.
    She is then seen being carted off on a stretcher in front of bemused onlookers, who were then able to get on with their days. 

    Tantrum: She then screamed and shouted for 90 minutes. Offers of help, like this one, were rejected
    Tantrum: She then screamed and shouted for 90 minutes. Offers of help, like this one, were rejected
    Overreaction: Eventually, the woman was taken away by paramedics, who had been called to the scene
    Overreaction: Eventually, the woman was taken away by paramedics, who had been called to the scene

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