Tuesday 8 September 2015

Hundreds Of Refugees Use Force To Push Through Police Lines


Hundreds of refugees forced their way past Hungarian police lines Monday in an attempt to reach Budapest after breaking out of a registration camp in Roszke, Hungary. Police were stationed at the camp near the country's border with Serbia to prevent refugees from traveling north more than 100 miles to the capital, reported the BBC.
About 300 of the refugees continued on to a highway escorted by police, chanting "Germany, Germany," while others agreed to be bussed to a reception center. 
There have been numerous altercations at the registration camp between refugees and police over the last week as refugees try to reach wealthier countries such as Germany and Austria. Police chased hundreds after they broke out of the camp on Friday, throwing stones at officers.  
Hungary and other European countries struggled with how to provide asylum to the thousands seeking to escape the conflict that pervades the Middle East and the horrors of the Islamic State group, known as ISIL and ISIS. More than 350,000 refugees have attempted to reach Europe this year.
Hungarian officials have tried to prevent refugees from reaching Budapest but relented when thousands began camping in the capital. Officials had insisted that refugees register at camps such as Roszke before traveling to the Hungarian capital, as mandated under European Union guidelines. 
RTX1RIU2Refugees run against traffic on a highway leading to Budapest as they escape a transit camp in the village of Roszke, Hungary, on Sept. 7, 2015.  
About 20,000 migrants made their way from Hungary into Austria and Germany over the weekend, the BBC reported.
Officials announced Friday that buses would be provided to transport refugees to other registration camps and countries, but there have not been enough to meet the demand, leaving transit camps such as Roszke overcrowded and with a shortage of services. Temperatures there have dipped to 41 degrees Fahrenheit and there are only four toilets available.
The government has erected a fence near the Serbian border to prevent refugees from entering the country there, but the Hungarian border with Austria remains open.

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